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“粤康码”(入境人员版)操作指引 Guide to Apply for Guangdong health code (GHC)

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  I. Access to GHC (for Inbound Travelers)


  Step1:Scan the QR code to enter the GHC webpage



QR code for GHC (for Inbound Travelers)


The QR code can be found at GHC of Yueshengshi(粤省事) mini program



GHC(for Inbound Travelers) of Yueshengshi(粤省事) mini program


  Step 2:Click “Apply for a GHC”(立即申请)after entering the GHC page(for Inbound Travelers)



  II. Login to check the GHC (for inbound travelers)



       1. For first-time users of GHC (for inbound travelers)

  If you haven’t applied for a GHC before, you may scan the QR code to enter the GHC webpage, after entering the GHC page, fill in your basic information, including full name, country/region, ID number, type of ID document, then you will be able to see your own GHC. You will receive a text message with the URL of the GHC webpage after application.

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GHC homepage for first-time users



Text message received by first-time user

  登录“粤康码”(入境人员版)后,在页面最下方进入 “设置密码”,完成登录密码设置后,凭手机号和登录密码即可登录“粤康码”(入境人员版)。

  After entering GHC page, tap “set up password” at the bottom of the page and finish setting. You can get your GHC  by entering your phone number and login password.

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Set up login password for GHC (inbound travelers)

  2. 再次使用入境人员“粤康码”

  非首次使用“粤康码”(入境人员版)的人员,通过扫码或访问短信中的网址,进入“粤康码”(入境人员版)网页,填写本人手机号码,以及接收的短信验证码或设置的登 录密码(通过下方的“使用密码登录”或“使用手机快捷登 录”切换)后,即可查看本人的“粤康码”(入境人员版)。

  2. For Non-first Application Users

  If you have applied for a GHC before, you can scan the code again or visit the webpage via the URL in the text message you received. After entering the GHC page, fill in your phone number and complete the verification to view your GHC.

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Non-first Application of GHC(For Inbound Travelers)


  III. GHC (For Inbound Travelers) Functions and Instructions

  1. 查看“粤康码”(入境人员版)


  i. GHC (For Inbound Travelers) View

  GHC (For Inbound Travelers) applies the same rules of determining three code colors, red, yellow and green as GHC issued through a mini program Yueshengshi(粤省事)operated by the Guangdong provincial government.

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GHC Page of Inbound Travelers

  2. 同行人员使用“粤康码”(入境人员版)

  对于与入境人员同行的未成年人、老年人等不便使用手 机的人员,可通过“粤康码”(入境人员版)同行人员管理功能便捷其使用“粤康码”(入境人员版)。

  ii. GHC (For Inbound Travelers) Instructions for Your Companions

  Minors, seniors and others with difficulty using cellphones accompanying inbound travelers can have an easier application of GHC (For Inbound Travelers) through its companion management module.

  (1) 添加同行人员的“粤康码”(入境人员版)

  i) Add GHC (For Inbound Travelers) for Your Companions.


  Click “Information of My Companions” at the bottom of your GHC page, and fill in their names, ID No. and other info to generate their GHC.

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Addition of Companions’ GHC

(For Inbound Travelers)

  (2) 切换“粤康码”(入境人员版)。

          ii) Switch GHC (For Inbound Travelers) among different people. 

添加同行人后,可 点击入境人员“粤康码”页面顶部的“切换同行人”切换本人、同行人之间的“粤康码”(入境人员版)。

  After adding your companions to GHC, you may switch between your GHC (For Inbound Travelers) page and theirs by clicking the blue characters “Switch to Companions” at the top of your GHC page.

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Switching to GHC (for Inbound Travelers)



  1. 粤康码(入境人员版)支持哪些人员使用?

  仅持有护照或台湾居民来往大陆通行证的入境人员请 使用“粤康码”(入境人员版)。若因操作微信或实人认证困难导致无法使用粤省事“粤康码”的港澳入境人员,可使用 粤康码(入境人员版),不支持中国大陆居民使用护照登录粤康码(入境人员版)亮码,请按照要求使用粤省事小程序 粤康码。  

       1. Who can use the GHC (for Inbound Travelers)?

  Inbound travelers with either passports or Mainland Travel Permits for Taiwan Residents shall use the GHC (for Inbound Travelers). Hong Kong and Macao inbound travelers who cannot use the Yuekang Code of Yueshengshi due to difficulties in using WeChat or real-name certification can use the GHC (for Inbound Travelers). Mainland Chinese residents cannot log in and get the GHC (for Inbound Travelers) with their passport numbers. Please use the Yueshengshi Mini Program to get the Yuekang Code as required.

  2. 使用“粤康码”(入境人员版)输入手机号需要注意什么问题?

  如果输入的是内地的手机号,第一栏的手机区号无需更 改,仍为 86;如果输入的为香港的手机号,请选择香港的区号 852,两地的手机号都可以用,但是要选择对应的区号, 能正常接收短信验证码。

  2. What do I need to pay attention to when entering cell phone number for the GHC (For Inbound Travelers) ?

  If you enter a cell phone number registered in the Chinese Mainland, the cell phone area code in the first column remains 86, and does not need to be changed; if you enter a cell phone number registered in Hong Kong, please select the area code 852. Cell phones registered in the Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong are both acceptable, but please select the right area code so as to receive verification code.

       3. 使用“粤康码”(入境人员版)如何设置登录密码?

  如果不想每次接收验证码,可通过设置密码,下次通过 密码进行登录。设置密码的方法:从粤省事首页进入,点击GHC 入口,进入“粤康码”(入境人员版)首页,在下方点击“设置密码”,输入 8-16 位,数字,字母和特殊字符组合的密码。

  3. How to set the login password for the GHC (For Inbound Travelers) ?

  If you don't want to receive the verification code every time when you log in, set a password and log in with that. How to set the password: Go to the home page of Yueshengshi, click the GHC entrance, enter the home page of "Yuekang Code(GHC,For Inbound Travelers)" , click "Set Password" at the bottom, and enter a password with 8-16 digits, a combination of numbers, letters and special characters.

  4 为什么我已经做了核酸检测,“粤康码”(入境人员版)却没有显示?

  请核实进行核酸检测的证件类型以及证件号与登录“粤 康码”(入境人员版)的是否一致,如为同一证件类型及证件号,请进一步查看是否对应签发次数。

  4. Why the  GHC (For Inbound Travelers) does not record my nucleic acid tests?

  Please check whether the ID type and ID number used for the nucleic acid test are consistent with the ones registered in the GHC (For Inbound Travelers). If yes, please check whether they are linked to the number of issuance.

  5. 申领“粤康码”(入境人员版)时提示“身份校验失败,请检查申报证件类型,证件姓名及最近出入境年份的准确性。(1590650023)”导致无法申领怎么办?

  (1) 请核对填入的证件类型以及证件信息是否正确;

  (2) 如为新护照未有出入境记录的外籍人员,建议群 众到广东省公安厅出入境部门申请签证,申请后即可使用新护照登录 GHC 粤康码(入境人员版)。

  5. When seeing "Identity verification failed, please check the accuracy of the declared ID type, name and the latest year of entry and exit.(1590650023)”and failed to apply for the  GHC (For Inbound Travelers), what should I do ?

  (1) Please check whether the ID type and ID information entered are correct.

  (2) Foreigners with no entry/exit records in their new passports are advised to apply for a visa at the Exit-Entry Administration of the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department before they can log in with their new passport.




  It is not supported for GHC users to scan other codes for registration. Users can show their GHCs to inspectors in public places for registration.

  Inspectors can enter the Yueshengshi Mini Program, choose “粤康码防疫工作台” (GHC anti-epidemic work table), then  “检测员” (inspector), choose the corresponding place for inspection and tap “扫描健康码入口” (portal to scan GHC)  to start scanning GHCs, and check users’ health information.