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曹赛先主任会见韩国驻广州总领事一行 Director General Cao Saixian Met with Consul General of South Korea in Guangzhou

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  On March 9, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Mr. Han Jae HeukConsul General of South Korea in Guangzhou.



  Director General Cao welcomed Consul General Han Jae Heuk and his delegation to Shenzhen and introduced the latest economic and social development in Shenzhen. She pointed out that there is tremendous potential for cooperation between Shenzhen and South Korea with close proximity, similar culture and complementary industries. She hoped that with the strong support of the Consul General, Shenzhen and South Korea would actively promote the resumption of high-level exchanges of visit and strengthen cooperation in trade, investment, culture and other fields.


  Consul General Han Jae Heuk expressed his gratitude to Director General Cao for her long-term efforts to promote friendly exchanges between Shenzhen and South Korea. He said that South Korea and Shenzhen have frequent interactions. He hoped to strengthen cooperation with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office, build an information platform for trade and investment or co-organize activities so as to help South Korean enterprises better explore investment opportunities in Shenzhen.


  During his visit to Shenzhen, Consul General Han Jae Heuk attended the donation ceremony of the Korean audio tour guide system from Consulate General of South Korea in Guangzhou to Shenzhen Museum, and visited the Qianhai Authority.
