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  4月17日,市委外办曹赛先主任与到访的CFA协会全球伙伴关系董事总经理保罗·穆迪(Paul Moody)一行座谈。市委金融办朱腾出席座谈。

  On April 17, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Paul Moody, Managing Director of Global Partnership & Client Solutions from CFA Institute. Ms. Zhu Teng from Shenzhen Local Financial Regulatory Bureau also attended the meeting.



  Director General Cao welcomed Managing Director Moody, and introduced Shenzhen as a young and innovative economic center city. In the past 40 years of development, it has attracted a lot of talent. The average age of the city’s population is 32.5, with over 67 million talent. She invited CFA Institute to scale up presence in Shenzhen and deepen cooperation in financial talent cultivation.


  Ms. Zhu Teng gave an introduction to financial talent capacity building in Shenzhen. She pointed out that talent is essential for the development of the financial sector, and said that the Bureau will continue to introduce more high level financial specialists to work in Shenzhen, and carry out more training programs.


  Paul Moody introduced the development history and key business directions of CFA Institute, pointing out that the Institute is integrating their business with trending issues like data science, artificial intelligence, and climate. He hoped to strengthen pragmatic cooperation with Shenzhen in financial talent training and create more learning and training opportunities for young people from different backgrounds.
