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  On August 2, Director General Cao Saixian met with Mr. Mauricio Hurtado, Ambassador of Chile to China.



  Director General Cao welcomed Ambassador Hurtado on his first visit to Shenzhen after taking office and introduced the latest economic and social development of Shenzhen. Cao pointed out the features of Shenzhen, namely the persistence on reform and opening up and the impetus of innovation have been driving Shenzhen in achieving great achievements in just over 40 years. Though Shenzhen and Chile are at the opposite ends of the Earth, separated by thousands of miles, the recovery of international exchanges and flights have bridged the distance between Shenzhen and the world. Shenzhen and Chile can expand cooperation on friendship cities and in scientific and technological innovation, economic and trade exchanges, exhibition, cultural tourism, port transportation and other sectors.


  Ambassador Hurtado said that Shenzhen is a model city for innovative development, and he has made cooperation with Guangdong, especially Shenzhen, one of his priorities since he took office in February this year. Chile is rich in natural resources, and enterprises based in Shenzhen such as Huawei, ZTE and BYD are developing well in Chile. Hurtado said that Chile welcomes more Shenzhen enterprises to invest and start business in Chile, meanwhile, Chile also hopes that high-quality Chilean products can enter China, Southeast Asia and even the entire Asian market supported by the geographical advantages of the ports in Shenzhen. He also said that Chile will promote the establishment of friendly exchanges between innovative cities in Chile and Shenzhen.



  Representative of Shenzhen Science,Technology and Innovation Commission attended the meeting.