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市委外办主任曹赛先拜会马来西亚驻广州总领事 Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Consul General of Malaysia in Guangzhou

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  8月10日,市委外办主任曹赛先一行前往广州拜会马来西亚驻广州总领事苏莱雅(SURAYA PAUZI)。

  On 10th August, Cao Saixian, Director General of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office, went to Guangzhou to pay a visit to Suraya Pauzi, Consul General of Malaysia in Guangzhou.



  Mrs. Cao said, Malaysia is an important country along the ancient Maritime Silk Road, and the first country to respond to the “Belt and Road” initiative. China and Malaysia are traditional friendly neighbors, and the relationship has been maintaining a good development momentum, ranking in the forefront of China-ASEAN relations. She said that Malaysian enterprises are encouraged to seek development in Shenzhen, to cultivate new growth points in digital economy and green development, and to jointly enhance the competitiveness and scale, so as to provide good opportunities to further tap the potential of cooperation between Shenzhen and Malaysia in the future.


  Consul General Suraya said that the exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Malaysia have been fruitful, and hoped to further deepen the cooperation between Malaysian cities and Shenzhen in the fields of friendship city exchange, industry, economy and trade, culture and tourism.