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市委外办主任曹赛先与乌干达驻广州总领事桑巴贝拉女士座谈 Director General Cao Saixian Meets with Consul General of Uganda in Guangzhou Judyth Nsababera

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  On September 5, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Judyth Nsabanera, Consul General of Uganda in Guangzhou.



  Director General Cao Saixian introduced Shenzhen as a young, open, innovative, green, and people-centered city, and listed Shenzhen’s ten development philosophies. She hoped that with the help from Consul General Nsababera, cooperation in trade, tourism, education and health care can be promoted, the possibility of establishing sister city ties can be explored and understandings and friendship furthered.



  Consul General Nsababera said that Uganda has the best coffee in the world and many excellent coffee making companies, hoping to further cooperation in the coffee industry. She also said that Uganda is a beautiful country with pleasant weather and abundant resources in tourism. According to Consul General Nsababera, a direct flight will be opened between Uganda and Guangzhou by the end of this year, and hopefully it will facilitate more visits. She also looked forward to strengthening cooperation with Shenzhen in fisheries, education and city-to-city exchanges.