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曹赛先主任会见阿根廷驻广州总领事龚恩泽 Director General Cao Saixian Meets with Argentine Consul General in Guangzhou

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  8月18日,曹赛先主任会见到访的阿根廷驻广州总领事龚恩泽(Rafael Enrique González Alemán)一行。

  On August 18, Director General Cao Saixian met with Mr.Rafael Enrique González Alemán, the Argentine Consul General in Guangzhou.



  During the Covid-19 pandemic, Director General Cao had a video-conference with Mr.Rafael Enrique González Alemán and this was his first visit in person. Director General Cao welcomed the delegation, reviewed the friendly exchanges between Shenzhen and Argentina and exchanged ideas on deepening cooperation in science and technologies, culture, tourism, economic and trade and new energy with the Consul General. This year marked the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Director General Cao looked forward to more visits by Argentine government and business delegations, performances by art groups, and practical cooperation in various fields under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.



  Consul General Rafael Enrique González Alemánsaid that the southern China market is increasingly important for Argentine products. He wished to locate suitable partners to operate logistics warehouses for such products and explore the possibility of opening passenger and freight routes between Shenzhen and Argentina, in order to introduce Argentine products to the Chinese market through Shenzhen, and Chinese products to the Latin American market through Argentina. The Consulate General of Argentina in Guangzhou would also commit to cultural and sports exchanges between the two sides in tango and youth football training.