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  1月11日,市委外办主任曹赛先与到访的坦桑尼亚驻华大使哈米斯·奥马尔(Khamis Mussa Omar)一行座谈。

  On January 11, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Tanzanian Ambassador Khamis Mussa Omar.



  Director General Cao welcomed Ambassador Omar and introduced Shenzhen as a young, open, innovative, green, and people-centered city. She looked forward to deepening cooperation between Shenzhen and Tanzania in talent training, culture and tourism, and sharing Shenzhen’s successful experience in reform and opening up and building more sister city ties, so as to further understanding and friendship between the two peoples.



  Ambassador Omar agreed with Director General Cao’s remarks and hoped to witness more practical cooperation on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of China-Tanzania diplomatic relations, and implement the consensus reached between President Xi Jinping and President Hassan during the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg in August 2023.

  坦桑尼亚驻广州总领事哈提布·马肯格(Khatibu Makenga)参加座谈。

  Tanzanian Consul General Khatibu Makenga attended the meeting.