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  5月27日,市委外办曹赛先主任会见了德国驻广州总领事鲁彦(Jan Rudolph)。曹赛先主任向鲁彦总领事介绍了深圳社会经济发展的最新情况,并与鲁彦总领事共同回顾了近年来深圳与德国的友好往来与合作。

  On May 27th, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Jan Rudolph, German Consul General in Guangzhou. Director General Cao introduced the latest social and economic development in Shenzhen and, together with Consul General Jan Rudolph, reviewed the friendly exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Germany in recent years .



  Director General Cao pointed out that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the all-round strategic partnership between China and Germany, and the friendly relations between the two countries have continued to develop. It is hoped that with the support of the Consul General, interaction between Shenzhen and friendship cities in Germany can be promoted, and cooperation in tourism, vocational education and other fields can be deepened. Consul General Jan Rudolph said that Shenzhen is an important city for Germany, and that he would encourage more German delegations to visit Shenzhen to facilitate the continuous and in-depth development of the relationship.



  Shenzhen has established sister or friendship city relations with several cities in Germany. In 1997, Shenzhen and the Nuremberg region became sister cities. Since then, mutual visits and a series of exchanges have been carried out to further cooperation in economy and trade, science and technology, culture, and education. Shenzhen also has friendship city ties with Frankfurt, Berlin and Hanover, and maintains close cooperation with Munich in the field of economy, trade and science and technology.