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  9月19日,市委外办曹赛先主任与来访的英国驻广州总领事孟诗然(Sarah Mann)、苏格兰政府驻华代表柯春娜(Catriona Radcliffe)及爱丁堡国际机场首席执行官高地(Gordon Dewar)一行座谈交流。市交通运输局民航发展处苏伟副处长出席座谈。

  On 19 September, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Sarah Mann, British Consul General in Guangzhou, Catriona Radcliffe, Scottish Government’s Head of Office in China and Gordon Dewar, Chief Executive Officer of Edinburgh Airport. Mr. Su Wei, Deputy Chief of Civil Aviation Development Division of Shenzhen Transportation Bureau, also attended the meeting.


  Director General Cao welcomed Consul General, Mme Radcliffe and Mr. Dewar, hoping to further promote exchanges and cooperation on the basis of the 5th anniversary of the sister city tie. Consul General Sarah Mann briefly introduced the current policy priorities of the new British government, including economic growth and clean energy development, and hoped to further strengthen practical cooperation with Shenzhen in trade, investment and sustainable development.


  Mme Radcliffe said that this year marks the 5th anniversary of the sister city tie between Shenzhen and Edinburgh, and the two cities have great potential for cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, education and culture. She hoped to strengthen exchanges with Shenzhen government departments and promote more practical cooperation for the benefit of the peoples. Mr. Dewar shared information related to Edinburgh Airport and expressed his hope to strengthen the connectivity with Shenzhen. Mr. Su Wei gave a brief introduction to Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport in terms of passenger and cargo flows, and future development plans, hoping to strengthen communication with Edinburgh Airport and discuss future cooperation.
