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  11月25日,市委外办主任曹赛先会见了来访的迪拜酋长办公室迪拜理事会秘书处主任阿卜杜拉·阿尔·雷迈提(Abdulla Al Remaithi)及迪拜商会代表一行。 

  On November 25, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Mr. Abdulla Al Remaithi, Director of Dubai Council Secretariat, the Executive Office (TEO) and representatives from Dubai Chambers.



  Director General Cao welcomed the delegation and briefed the group on the latest developments of Shenzhen. She mentioned that in 2018, Shenzhen opened direct flights and became the friendship city with Dubai. In recent years, Shenzhen and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have seen frequent exchange of high-level visits, with encouraging progress in practical cooperation across the board between the two sides. We hope, she added, that Shenzhen and Dubai continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation in such areas as trade, finance, technology, advanced manufacturing, culture and tourism.


  Director Abdulla thanked Director General Cao for her warm hospitality. He said that over the past 40-plus years, both Dubai and Shenzhen have created the miracle of rapid development, sharing many similarities and enjoying great potential for exchanges and cooperation. TEO, he noted, will remain committed to advancing its friendly exchanges and cooperation with Shenzhen, including facilitating Dubai's high-level officials and corporate executives to visit Shenzhen and mutual learning on development experience, in a bid to enrich Dubai-Shenzhen friendship city relations and enhance the mutual understanding between the two peoples.
