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SHENZHEN is now seeking further cooperation with the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) in terms of sci-tech innovation and international exchange under the framework of the World Innovative Cities Cooperation Organization (WICCO), a nongovernmental and nonprofit organization which promotes innovation cooperation across the world.
Initiated in Shenzhen last year, WICCO currently has 28 member cities and 49 member organizations from 22 countries and regions across the world. Macao is one of the member cities.
A delegation from the Shenzhen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office led by Gu Ting, who is vice president of Shenzhen People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, from Wednesday to Friday visited government agencies, industrial associations, international trade service platforms and universities in Macao in promotion of WICCO.
“Under the framework of WICCO, an international cooperation network will be established, enhancing mutual understanding and complimentary cooperation between its member innovative cities and organizations and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA),” said Gu during a meeting on the recent progress and future work plan of WICCO with the Economic and Technological Development Bureau of the Government of the Macao SAR on Wednesday.
A delegation from the Shenzhen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office meets with representatives from the Economic and Technological Development Bureau of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region on Wednesday. Photos by Wang Haolan except otherwise stated 11月23日,深圳市人民政府外事办公室代表团赴澳门特区政府经济及科技发展局,与该局科技应用与支援处处长陈祖荣等展开座谈。王皓岚摄
Gu stated that WICCO will help Macao bring its science and technology capabilities and R&D results to marketplaces through building exchange platforms and holding promotion events and sci-tech fairs.
His idea was acclaimed by Chan Chou Wang, who is the head of the Technology Application and Support Division of the bureau. “In Macao, universities and research institutions are the major entities for scientific and technological research and development,” he said. “We have a total of four State key laboratories in University of Macau and the Macau University of Science and Technology. So being a WICCO member can enhance our exchanges with the GBA and other member cities across the world, which also helps improve Macao’s local innovation chain.”
陈祖荣表示,澳门经科局非常愿意与深圳就创合组织的筹建开展深入合作。“澳门的创新主体及资源主要集聚在高校端。”他介绍道,“目前澳门大学及澳门科技大学一共坐拥 4 所国家重点实验室,在科研方面具有显著优势。因此,参与共建创合组织对澳门有着重大意义,能够与深圳、粤港澳大湾区乃至全球其他会员城市实现资源对接与互补,从而完善澳门本地的创新生态链。”
Chan also stated that Macao, as an exchange and communication platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, is also willing to promote WICCO to innovative cities and organizations in Portuguese countries and enhance more innovation cooperation between those countries and the GBA.
For Ding Tian, deputy secretary-general of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) (Macao Forum), joining in WICCO not only promote the innovative cooperation and exchanges between the GBA and Portuguese countries, but can also help the members better shape and present their city images to the world.
A delegation from the Shenzhen Municipal Foreign Affairs Office pose for a photo with representatives from Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao). 代表团成员与中国-葡语国家经贸合作论坛(澳门)常设秘书处丁恬(右三)等合影留念。王皓岚摄
“Macao is now restructuring its economy. So WICCO will provide a platform for the SAR to actively get in touch with the advanced innovation resources in the GBA,” said Ding during a meeting with the delegation Friday. “We also hope to join hands with WICCO in making promotions and organizing events, so as to attract more Portuguese cities and organizations to join.”
Initiated by the Central Government in 2003 and hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, Forum Macao is a multilateral, intergovernmental co-operation mechanism aimed at promoting economic and trade exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, by using Macao SAR as a connecting platform between those places. Currently, the forum has a total of nine Portuguese-speaking member countries, namely, Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, East Timor and São Tomé and Príncipe.
The delegation met Jason Ho, president of the Macao Technology General Association, on Thursday to seek for cooperation between WICCO and the association in attracting overseas enterprises and holding sci-tech innovation events under the framework of the BEYOND International Technology Innovation Expo.
此外,代表团同深圳市委大湾区办、福田区政府等组织于24日一同拜访了澳门科技总会,与会长贺建东共商深澳双方在创合组织与由澳门科技总会主办的 BEYOND 国际科技创新博览会框架下吸引海外企业、对接科创结构及举办科创活动事宜。
The delegation meets with representatives from the Macao Technology General Association on Thursday. 11月24日,代表团同深圳市委大湾区办、福田区政府等一同会见澳门科技总会会长贺建东等人。王皓岚摄
Hosted by the association, this year’s BEYOND expo was held from Sept. 21 to 27 at a special metaverse online exhibition venue, which had three categories including healthcare, sustainable technologies and consumer technologies, and has attracted more than 500 exhibitors from more than 120 countries and regions. It is also the world’s largest international sci-tech expo held in metaverse.
今年的第二届BEYOND 国际科技创新博览会于9月21至27日在线上以元宇宙形式举办,打造可持续发展、消费科技、生命科学三大展区,吸引了来自120个国家及地区的500多家展商参展,是至今以元宇宙形式举办的最大规模的国际化线上科技博览会。
The delegation also visited the University of Macau and its State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City and the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI as well as the Macau University of Science and Technology and its State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences and State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, respectively.
Representatives from Shenzhen pose for a photo with representives from the Macau University of Science and Technology on Thursday. 深圳各代表团成员与澳门科技大学校领导合影留念。王皓岚摄
Macao, a city in pursuit of innovation-driven high-quality growth
创造性地追求质量 澳门发展有“智慧”
By Sun Jin
FROM Nov. 23 to 25, I visited Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) with a delegation from Shenzhen and have updated my understanding towards this city through attending eight different events. Macao is a hot land for innovation, boasting the BEYOND International Technology Innovation Expo —— which is curated with the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, the United States as its blueprint, a total four State key laboratories and many innovator-minded government officials. It is striving to restructure its economy in a diversified way, to build itself as a pilot testing ground for new products and solutions of cutting-edge technologies and to become a gateway to the global technology ecosystem for science and innovation enterprises from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
I was deeply impressed by the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City, the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI at the University of Macau and the State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences, and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine at the Macau University of Science of Technology. It is amazing that the 32-square-kilometer city of Macao boasts a total of four key State laboratories that specialize in the world’s most cutting-edge scientific fields such as smart city, electronic information, life science, and aerospace.
访问期间,澳门大学智慧城市物联网国家重点实验室,模拟与混合信号超大规模集成电路国家重点实验室,澳门科技大学的月球与行星科学国家重点实验室和中药质量研究国家重点实验室的深度考察给代表团成员留下了深刻的印象,在面积仅有 32 平方公里的澳门就拥有四个国家重点实验室,且涉及的智慧城市、电子信息、生命健康、航天航空都是属于世界最前沿的科学领域。
The relations between Macao and its universities make me better understand how higher education can drive a city’s growth. The transformation and development of Macao is driven by its education and talents. The city, albeit not abundant with land and nature resources, has joined hands with its people to pursue high-quality growth fueled by science, technology and innovation.
Shenzhen, a city that also features innovation-driven growth, shares a lot in common with Macao, and has laid a solid foundation for the cooperation between those two cities. Being innovative first requires an avant-garde mindset, which means that one needs to be aware of what will happen in the future and thus, to fulfill demand accordingly. In the future, many new products and services will become boundless while imagination and creativity will take place of technology to become the major driving forces of growth. Through the BEYOND International Technology Innovation Expo in Macao, I can see the futuristic mindset of innovators.
创造性地追求质量,也是深圳这座城市的选择,因此澳门与深圳的创新合作也注定有了更多共鸣之处。创新首先需要超前的思维,也就是要“以未来决定现在”,学会创造新的消费者需求。未来已来时,很多新产品新模式没有了边界,真正的驱动力量不仅是技术,更多的是想像力和创造力,这也是 Beyond国际科技创新博览会的精神内核。
The expo, hosted by the Macao Technology General Association, is a sci-tech innovation fair aiming to go beyond traditions, technologies and boundaries. It shows to the world Macao’s determination in developing its innovation industries and is also a powerful magnet for young startups across the world.
Nowadays, globalization has entered the new era of modular innovation led by developed countries, where innovative ideas and business models appeal more to talents, technologies and capital. As the world economy is gradually transforming from being industry-based to being knowledge-based, globalization is no longer about the homogeneous duplication of technologies, but is more about the globalization of innovation practices featuring the global allocation of innovation resources and global entrepreneurial activities.
Therefore, the World Innovative Cities Cooperation Organization (WICCO) has been initiated in response to this new era. I see from the Macao trip that many cities around the world have designated the globalization of innovation as a key strategy in their pursuit of urban transformation and new economic growth models. China, as a significant “brick” in the blueprint of global innovation, is now looking forward to more communication and exchanges with other countries, so as to better fit in with the globalization trend. Therefore, what WICCO needs to do is to bring together all the “bricks” of global innovation as a whole and thus propel the sustainable and healthy development of the world economy.
世界创新城市合作组织的诞生也恰逢其时,从澳门之行来看,世界众多城市在目前谋求城市转型探索新的经济增长模式都将创新全球化作为一个重要战略来谋划布局。今天,我们已经迈入一个积木式创新年代,或者说是创新 3.0 时代,积木式创新要拼接的这块积木仅中国独有,而这又是整个积木式创新浪潮里最后一块且最重要的积木,没有它前面的成果都不算成功。中国的机会在于能够在这块积木上和其他国家拼接得更加顺畅,也就融入到了全球积木式创新的浪潮中。创合组织就是要成为一位”乐高建筑师”,将不同的积木按照全球经济可持续健康发展的图纸完美搭建,向世界呈现一部世界创新建筑代表作。
(The author is a deputy editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Daily. 本文作者系英文《深圳日报》副总编辑。)
(信息来源:Shenzhen Daily)