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  8月26日,市委外办主任曹赛先会见来访的卡塔尔驻广州总领事曼苏尔·哈吉里(Mansoor Alhajri)一行。

  On August 26, 2024, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with the visiting delegation headed by Mr. Mansoor Alhajri, Consul General of Qatar in Guangzhou.



  Director General Cao welcomed Consul General Mansoor and his delegation and introduced the latest socioeconomic developments of Shenzhen. By availing the opportunity of the 10th anniversary of China-Qatar Strategic Partnership, Director General Cao stressed, Shenzhen will further act upon the important consensus reached by the leaders of both countries and cement exchanges and cooperation with Qatar in such areas as culture and tourism, commerce, education, personnel exchanges, high-tech and friendship city relations.


  Consul General Mansoor thanked Director General Cao for her hospitality and spoke highly of the innovation vitality of enterprises in the city. Consul General Mansoor expressed that Qatar values its cooperation with Shenzhen and the huge potential in this regard. With the support of Shenzhen FAO, he added, Qatar and Shenzhen will promote cooperation in fields like air route opening, official contact and exchanges of high-tech platforms.


  Si Junjie, Director of Greater China of Invest Qatar, Lei Yiwen, Project Director of Qatar Tourism China Rep Office and other guests also attended the meeting.
