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  2024年3月7日,市委外办主任曹赛先会见到访的阿根廷驻广州候任总领事时美善(María de los Ángeles Arrieta)一行。

  On 7th March 2024, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office, met with Ms. María de los Ángeles Arrieta, designated Consul General of Argentina in Guangzhou, in Shenzhen.



  Director General Cao Saixian welcomed designated Consul General to Shenzhen, briefed on the latest socioeconomic development of Shenzhen, reviewed the friendly exchanges between Shenzhen and Argentina, and hoped to, together with the designated Consul General, continue to bolster cooperation in the fields of friendly city, medical health, ports and education to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two people, contributing to the building of a China-Argentina Community with a shared future .



  María de los Ángeles Arrieta thanked Director General Cao for her warm reception. She said that Shenzhen is an important partner of Argentina. She welcomed more Shenzhen enterprises and citizens to invest in and travel to Argentina, and expected that both sides would strengthen exchanges and collaboration in the area of lithuim and new energy vehicle for more mutual benefits and win-win cooperation.