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市委外办主任曹赛先会见哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图市代表团 Director General Cao Saixian Meets with Kazakh Almaty Delegation

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  3月12日,市委外办主任曹赛先会见了由哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图市数字化局局长扎纳别克·奥尔扎斯(Zhanabek Olzhas)、能源与供水局局长马利巴耶夫·塔尔加特(Malybayev Talgat)、城市交通局副局长阿布扎汗·叶尔努尔(Abzhakhan Yernur)和城市规划和城市学局副局长苏列缅诺夫·巴特尔汗(Suleimenov Batyrkhan)等组成的代表团。

  On March 12, Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General Cao Saixian met with the visiting Almaty’s delegation comprising Head of Digitalization Department Zhanabek Olzhas, Head of Department of Energy and Water Supply Malybayev Talgat, Deputy Head of Urban Mobility Department Abzhakhan Yernur, and Deputy Head of Department of Urban Planning and Urbanistics Suleimenov Batyrkhan.



  Director General Cao welcomed the delegation and briefed on the latest socioeconomic developments of Shenzhen. She said, Kazakhstan is the birthplace of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”. Almaty and Shenzhen are friendship cities, promising greater potential in the international cooperation on joint development of the “Belt and Road”. Shenzhen is now acting upon the important consensus reached by leaders of China and Kazakhstan by enhancing exchanges on different levels through various channels and deepening mutual learning, so as to contribute to the common development and prosperity of the two countries. Last year, former Head of Digitalization Department of Almaty City had a successful visit to Shenzhen, and the current head of the same department chooses Shenzhen as the first stop of his visit to China, fully demonstrating that Almaty values its cooperation with Shenzhen. The city of Shenzhen stands ready to share with Almaty its development experience and best practices across different sectors.


  Mr. Zhanabek thanked Director General Cao for her hospitality. He said, Shenzhen has achieved impressive development success, and the two cities enjoy a solid basis for cooperation. He continued that with the support of Shenzhen FAO, both sides could cement the exchanges and cooperation in such fields as smart city, technological innovation, and industrial development.



  Deputy Director General Zhong Jiajun attended the event.


  The delegation has also visited local high-tech enterprises including Tencent, Inspur and Shenzhen Smart City Group and iMakerbase, a mass innovation space, and go to Shenzhen Water and Environment Group and Shenzhen Energy Group for business exchanges and match-making.