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  4月17日,市委外办曹赛先主任会见了到访的芬兰驻华大使孟蓝(Leena-Kaisa Mikkola)一行。

  On April 17, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office met with Leena-Kaisa Mikkola, Finnish Ambassador to China.



  Director General Cao welcomed Ambassador Mikkola, and gave an introduction to Shenzhen’s economic and social development, saying that Shenzhen’s economy is making progress while maintaining stability. She looked forward to deepening practical cooperation with Finland in trade, environmental protection, innovation and healthcare, and furthering bilateral friendship with win-win results.


  Ambassador Mikkola spoke highly of Shenzhen’s beautiful scenery, efficiency, innovative atmosphere and business environment. She said that she visited Shenzhen as a member of the Ambassadors’ delegation last November, and got to know the development of the city in smart transport and new energy. During her second time in Shenzhen, she had a deeper understanding of Shenzhen’s development in healthcare, environmental protection and digital economy. She hoped that Shenzhen would facilitate the flow of talent in the Greater Bay Area from around the world.



  Representatives from Shenzhen Ecology and Environment Bureau, Shenzhen Commerce Bureau and Shenzhen Public Hygiene and Health Commission also attended the meeting.